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With the EyeQuant RESTful HTTP API, you can have full programmatic access to all of EyeQuant’s predictive algorithms, scores, and eye-tracking visualisations. It means within your solutions and products you can generate visual attention heatmaps, analyze mobile web designs, calculate perception scores, and more. By creating deep integrations into your products, your colleagues and customers can gain instant insights into how users perceive their digital experiences. 

EyeQuant API

The most popular use cases: 

Instant attention analytics within marketing automation and digital experience platforms allow marketers to improve campaign performance

51.1% of users spend less than 2 seconds on an email before deciding to read on or hitting delete. If users don’t instantly see a reason to engage, you’ve lost them. By integrating EyeQuants visualisations into marketing automation platforms like ActiveCampaignHubspot or Episerver, via the EyeQuant API marketers can see precisely what recipients will notice first when they open an email or land on a personalised page. This advanced level of analytics means your team can be sure that the most engaging campaigns are being seen.


Visual attention heatmaps highlight which elements of your prototype will be missed 

Imagine being able to see which elements of your prototype will be completely missed by users. Integrating attention analytics into prototyping software like InVision, Adobe Experience Design or Sketch, helps designers to test design hypotheses, validate, iterate and improve products before they enter the development sprint. This means your design and development teams produce better digital products at a much faster rate. 


Here’s how to use attention analytics to build even more powerful solutions for your company and customers: 

So, where to begin?

The first step we’re going to do is to take a screenshot of a webpage.

 Let’s take a screenshot of



curl \

 -X POST \

 -H “Authorization: Bearer $apikey \

 -H “Content-Type: application/json” \

 -d ‘{

       “input”: {

         “type”: “webPageUrl”,

         “content”: “”,

         “medium”: “desktopWeb”,

         “title”: “Example”


     }’ \


What’s going on here?

We are making a `HTTP POST` to the `/v2/analyses` resource, authenticated with our `API key` (replace `$apikey` with your credentials). We are specifying that we are sending `JSON` data via the `Content-Type` header. Our **input** for the analysis is a `webPageUrl` and the medium is `desktopWeb`. This is telling the API to take a screenshot of ``, then simulate a **desktop web browser**, and to run an analysis on the result. We can also tell the API to simulate a mobile web browser by passing `mobileWeb` as the *medium* parameter instead of `desktopWeb`.

The API’s response to this call looks like this:


HTTP/1.1 201 Created



 “location”: “”,

 “id”: “611457618c1d4283a830d10a9ad4f8ae”



This informs us that the analysis has been `accepted`, a resource has been created to represent it, and that we can find it in the specified `location`. We can follow the link to this resource and find out more about the analysis:


curl \

-H “Authorization: Bearer $apikey” \

-H “Content-Type: application/json” \

-X GET \

























Woohoo! 🎉

As you cans see, we have here **4** elements: `input`, `clarity`, `excitingness` and `attention`. The input is the screenshot taken in the previous step, but for the rest of the inputs let’s talk a bit more.

Clarity Score

The Clarity Score is an instant design metric based on Visual Clarity data. Clarity is the opposite of Clutter. Clutter is the state in which excess items, or their representation or organization, lead to a degradation of performance at some task. Cluttered designs lack visual order, thus increasing cognitive load as users struggle to navigate the visual landscape and understand which parts are important. Studies show that *the higher the Clarity the Lower the Bounce rate*.

Attention Map

The Attention Map gives us a more granular perspective of which content receives the most attention. With this result, you can easily determine if the elements receiving the most attention are in line with your design goals. Warmer (red) areas have the most visibility. Here’s a tip: Think of attention as a finite budget. Make sure you’re spending that budget wisely, and leveraging attention towards the most relevant content and CTA’s. 

Excitingness Score

The Excitingness Score is an instant design metric based on Emotional Impact data. Aesthetics have been recognized as important because of their positive influence on people’s behavior, such as on performance under conditions of poor usability, or on purchase intentions. Even before elaborate considerations about purchases can possibly take place, the first impression of appeal determines how we perceive other attributes of a product, such as its usability and trustworthiness


​Find out more about EyeQuant’s API documentation HERE or email for further information. 

Alice Henebury

Head of Marketing

Alice has a demonstrated history of working across a multitude of technology enology companies. She specialises in in Digital, Communications, Market Research, Brand Development, Content, PR & Social Media management. Alice has a passion for technology, people and really good coffee.